Did You Know That a Couple From Tennessee Ordered Mcdonald’s Breakfast and Got …

Did You Know That a Couple From Tennessee Ordered Mcdonald’s Breakfast and Got …

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Earlier this month Metro reported one of the strangest cases within the background of McDonald's. A couple from Tennessee drove to McDrive to be able to get some breakfast, but they didn't find any Big Macs and french fries within their menu, since it contains something much, much more useful - funds.

Additionally they got the shock of their lives after Greg discovered it was full of cash, instead of high calorie food, when Stacye and Greg Terry from Hermitage, TN, got their paper bag. Thankfully, a worker at the drivethru understood the mistake and immediately followed the couple back to their residence. The two handed over the cash once they observed the worker's tale. It turned out the banknotes were deposit cash which were about to be deposited in a neighborhood bank.

Based on Metro, the McDonald's owner at Lebanon Road was extremely grateful to the couple. You think he promised them free Big Macs for the remainder of their lives?


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