Did You Know That a Student Stabbed His Roommate to Death Because He Wouldn’t Stop…

Did You Know That a Student Stabbed His Roommate to Death Because He Wouldn’t Stop…

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Having a roommate can seem like living in Hell sometimes. Putting up with your roommate's things, which is actually everywhere, putting up with your roommate's disposition and putting up with every other small detail, which is brought out in your co-living, can turn a good solid friendship into ruin and anguish. And sometimes things get uncontrollable.

Guo Liwei, a Chinese university student, found himself in a gruesome scenario after he made a decision to deal for good with his roommate, Zhao Yan. Liwei couldn't stand Yan's snoring and likely another stuff linked to his behavior. Based on Liwei himself, he talked repeatedly with Yan regarding the snoring thing, but Yan purportedly became furious and verbally abused Liwei. So rather than attempting to change the room or the room mate, Liwei stabbed Yan in his own sleep.
It looks like aggression issues are increasingly more common among young people nowadays than they were several decades past.


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