Did You Know That a Russian Girl Spent More Than $6k On Lip Injections Because She Wanted To…

Did You Know That a Russian Girl Spent More Than $6k On Lip Injections Because She Wanted To…

source: youtube.com
But while mainly the male section of the Earth's inhabitants consider the red-haired idol as truly one of the very attractive individuals ever, a woman from Russia has invested hundreds as a way to look such as the Disney character.

Kristina Rei, a woman within her early 20s, has-been bullied often in college if you are unattractive. In the first age of four Kristina's selfesteem is extremely low due to her thin lips. She determined it was hightime to thicken her lips as a way to eventually become more appealing if the Russian woman turned 17. Today Kristina is called the lady with the lips on the planet. She's invested over $6,000 for more than one hundred injections and isn't thinking about ending within the long run.


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